A low rumbling sound
Like thunder
Awakens the conscience

In the distance
The faint image of birds in echelon
Enters the dreamscape

And within moments
Soaring angels appear
While earth trembles with mounting intensity

Gracefully gliding
Over verdant hills
And crop-covered valleys

They streak across
A canvas of cerulean sky
Then plunge toward earth

…a flash of lightning
…a trail of smoke
…an explosion of sound

The turbo-charged engines
Of America’s Blue Angel fighter jets
Thrust forward through space

Their polished metal glints in sunlight
As golden wingtips streak the sky
With ribbons of vapor white afterthought

In one final pass
The angels thrust toward heaven
Then vanish beyond consciousness

Leaving in the mind
The chest-heaving, heart-pounding
Emptiness of contemplation

Wherein the Navy hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”
Gives a soundtrack to dreams
And contrails of “PRIDE”

Hover like a miracle
On the firmament
Of the soul